Development of the newest phase of the city of Bee Cave’s system of hike and bike trails is on the agenda for the Bee Cave City Council meeting April 13.

City staff and council discussion is expected to center around development of the following segments:
  • a half-mile shared-use path from Falconhead Boulevard to Lake Travis High School;
  • a shared-use path along Ladera Boulevard that includes a quarter-mile segment running between Willie Way to an area east near an existing Chick-fil-A restaurant; and
  • a shared-use path along the north and south sides of Bee Cave Parkway connecting pedestrians from RM 620 to Bee Cave Central Park.
Three other trail projects include:
  • building a small parking lot near the A+ Credit Union off RM 620;
  • improving a near half-mile trail north of the Hill Country Galleria and on the south side of Bee Cave Parkway from Vista Ridge to Market Street; and
  • improving specific trails in and near the Shops at the Galleria.
Bee Cave city staff is expected to present council a $1.12 million bid from Smith Contracting Co. of Austin to fund construction of these segments that will be on average 10 feet wide and built of concrete, according to city documents.

In other business, the council is expected to consider:
  • emergency access for The Homestead and Meadow Fox Estates subdivisions; each were built with only a single point of entry;
  • an interlocal agreement with the city of Lakeway and the Village of the Hills to establish a emergency management coordinator; and
  • the process for choosing a replacement for Gary Miller, who is retiring as police chief.