West Lake Hills City Council scheduled a public hearing Aug. 15 to discuss the city's new proposed facility projects during a July 24 regular meeting. City Council has continued progress toward a potential May 2020 bond election, which would fund a new city hall and police department building. "Hopefully we'll have members of the public," Mayor Linda Anthony said. Council discussed difficulties involving civic engagement and community outreach. A special meeting was held July 9 to discuss the capital improvements section of the bond, and the only attendees were members of the press and the planning and zoning commission. Since that meeting, council published online notices on its website and social media accounts. Anthony presented the idea of a possible city hall open house in order to inform the public of the city's necessities. "They (the public) could see why we need these improvements," Anthony said. Mail-out notices, reverse 911 calls and newspaper postings were also considered. "This is early on, we're going to have multiple meetings and multiple opportunities," Anthony said.