Since Max Westbrook’s resignation as Rollingwood police chief and the subsequent implementation of interim Chief Kristal Pompa in September, city officials have been laying the foundation for a permanent candidate for the role.
Rollingwood officials heard presentations from two recruitment companies applying to take the city on as a new client in the search for a new police chief during the Dec. 19 City Council meeting.
Strategic Government Resources representative Kristin Navarro presented five keys to a successful search that included an understanding of the city’s culture, the ability to reach a national pool of candidates, vetting of the candidates, candidate understanding of the community, and a smooth process for client and the candidate.
Navarro also provided examples of SGR’s social media marketing and stated that its online and digital marketing strategies that include custom videos tailored to each client set her company apart from other recruitment firms.
Navarro added that from start to finish, the typical search timeline lasts about 12 weeks.
Also presenting was Chris Hartung from Chris Hartung Consulting. Hartung said that as a former city manager of Denton, Texas, he led the search for three police chiefs and has also been involved in several police chief searches as a consultant.
“The best predictor of success in a position is past success in a similar position,” he said, adding he has found a good tactic in the search for a new chief is to interview officers within the department to get a feel for what qualities in a candidate would best match with the clients.
Council has so far not budgeted any money for the hiring of a recruitment firm, and City Administrator Amber Lewis said the hiring funds could be diverted from another aspect of the city's budget, but that was not solidified during the meeting.
Council members weighed the pros and cons of each company, citing the more personal approach that would accompany Hartung Consulting against the experience and size of SGR.
Alderman Gavin Massingill said that additional discussion should take place regarding budgeting for the firm, to which Alderwoman Wendi Hundley replied that it is also important to have a recruiting firm take the burden off city officials and staff.
Council decided to table and return to the agenda item during its January meeting with a budget review and amendment.