Four Points area residents who are city of Austin municipal
District 6 and
District 10 voters, we consider you a vital part of our growing and evolving community audience here in Lake Travis-Westlake.
Those divisions of the
city districts map follow the curve of Lakes Travis and Austin. At times, city districts straddle stretches of N. RM 620, RM 2222 and Loop 360. It is a fascinating study in boundaries and extraterritorial jurisdictions, or ETJs.
Community Impact Newspaper's Austin City Hall reporter Christopher Neely is writing mayoral candidate profiles and other articles you may find useful ahead of the Nov. 6 city election. A link to some of Neely's recent work, which typically appears in our Central Austin, Northwest and Southwest Austin editions, can be found
Please let me know how else we can make your
Community Impact Newspaper experience more valuable this spring and summer!
-Rob Maxwell, Editor, Lake Travis-Westlake edition
Email me:
[email protected]