With the majority of design and planning complete, officials will begin construction on Shell Road in March to widen the roadway.

The full story

The $18.42 million project will expand the existing 1.1-mile two-lane, undivided road into a four-lane major arterial road, according to Georgetown’s ClearGov website. The improved roadway, which started its design phase in August 2022, will also include:
  • A raised median
  • A shared-use path for pedestrians and cyclists
  • A curb and gutter
  • Left- and right-turn lanes at intersecting streets
Sorting out details

According to city documents, construction will run 500 feet north of Williams Drive to 300 feet north of Sycamore Street, and additional turn lanes will be implemented at:
  • Williams Drive
  • Skyflower Drive
  • Madrid Drive
  • Sycamore Street
  • Bellaire Drive
Funding for the project stems from Georgetown’s 2021 road bond. As of June, 95% of the project’s plans were reviewed, according to ClearGov.