Construction on downtown Georgetown's sidewalks and trails began in December as a part of the city's larger Sidewalk Master Plan to add safer, more-direct pedestrian routes to the existing network.

The overview

The downtown portion of the plan includes 7 miles of sidewalk improvements along segments of Main, Rock, Church and Sixth streets, as well as the hike and bike trail from Blue Hole Park to VFW Park.

Improvements include utility relocations, the addition of Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant features and the addition of pedestrian ramps, according to Georgetown Communications Manager Keith Hutchinson.

The timeline

Main Street sidewalk work began Dec. 18 and is expected to wrap up by the end of February, pending weather-related delays, Hutchinson said. The construction along Main Street includes electric and communication line upgrades, so short-term road closures at intersections from Second Street through Fifth Street are to be expected, he said.

Improvements to the hike and bike trail from Blue Hole Park to VFW Park have also begun. Hutchinson said the existing trail had non-ADA-compliant sections where concrete was repoured to create a smoother, more level surface. Some sections of the trail will remain closed until new handrails are installed.

Other phases of the downtown project will be completed around April, Hutchinson said.

The cost

The $2.6 million in downtown improvements are funded by the 2015 City Transportation Bonds.

The original Sidewalk Master Plan was created in 2014, and an updated version, which factors for Georgetown's rapid growth since then, was approved by City Council on Dec. 12.