1. The third public meeting for the Austin Avenue bridges project was held May 11 and presented five options. City staff expects to share public input and other feedback at the June 27 city council workshop. Timeline: A public meeting to share preferred alternatives will be held in late 2017

2. A draft of the final plan for the Williams Drive corridor project to improve transportation mobility was shared during a public meeting May 30. City staffers expect to share public input and other feedback with City Council at a summer workshop June 27 for final approval. Timeline: Plan include project timelines from 0-4, 5-10 and 11+ years

3. I-35 southbound frontage road sidewalk improvement project The city of Georgetown broke ground in May on a sidewalk that will run along the southbound frontage road of I-35 between Hwy. 29 and Leander Road. In mid-February, the city approved adding $300,000 more to the project to offset design challenges and costs of construction increases. Timeline: May-end of summer 2017

4. Rivery Boulevard extension Property and right of way acquisitions are close to complete so the city of Georgetown can have a plan in place for budget season. The road extension will connect Williams Drive to Northwest Boulevard, providing a more direct access from the Sheraton Georgetown Texas Hotel & Conference Center to other existing hotels near the intersection of Northwest and the I-35 frontage road. Timeline: 2016-summer 2020

5. Mays Street extension The city of Georgetown broke ground in October on a project to extend Mays Street from Teravista Parkway and Bass Pro Drive in Round Rock to the intersection of Westinghouse and Rabbit Hill roads in Georgetown. Williamson County has plans to extend Mays north from Oakmont and Paloma drives in Round Rock and rename the entire road as Mays. Timeline: October 2016-fall 2017

6. FM 1460 widening Construction continues to widen FM 1460 to a four-lane, divided roadway from Quail Valley Drive in Georgetown to just north of University Boulevard in Round Rock. Pavement on the southbound lanes is currently being laid. Timeline: February 2016-end of 2018

GoGeo city transit system Georgetown City Council approved final plans for the city’s transit system, GoGeo, at its May 10 meeting. Bus station pad sites are currently under construction. The system is set to launch in August. Timeline: August 2017

How It Works

What happens when a TxDOT roadway enters a city’s boundaries?

When a city incorporates, that government becomes responsible for all roadways within its city limits, including any state numbered streets. Cities then must create a municipal maintenance agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation to determine the responsibilities of the city and the state for those roadways.

These agreements give cities “exclusive domain, control and jurisdiction over the public streets within its corporate limits,” according to TxDOT. The state agency also can indicate which roadways it will continue maintaining.

To create a municipal maintenance agreement, a city meets with TxDOT to discuss maps, lists of area roadways and maintenance requests on those roadways. A city will then approve a resolution to enter into an agreement with TxDOT.

Both the city and TxDOT will review and approve their responsibilities to execute the agreement.