Median home value: $554,000
Number of homes on the market: 5
Number of homes under contract: 1
Median annual property taxes: $10,500
Median price per square foot: $180
Average days on market: 92
Build-out year: 2000-18
Builders include: Century Communities, Jimmy Jacobs
Square footage: 2,973
Home values: $465,000-$825,000
HOA Dues: $110 annually
Schools (and district): Georgetown ISD, Jo Ann Ford Elementary, Douglas Benold Middle School, Georgetown High School
Property taxes (in dollars, includes each taxing entity and the total):
Georgetown ISD - 1.33900
Williamson County - .41872
Williamson County ESD No. 8 - .10000
Williamson County FM/Rd - .04000
Total - 1.8977
Woodland Park features beautiful, mature trees, wildlife sightings and ample green space within the community. T
• Heavily wooded neighborhood
• Scenic views
• One-acre lots
• Short distance to Lake Georgetown
Information provided by Marie Bean, Williamson Group, Keller Williams Realty. 512-937-6838