The overview:
The council approved changing the zoning for the property from single-family residential to a PUD, with the development establishing two different zoning districts. In addition, the council approved an agreement for a public improvement district.
Georgetown Planning Director Sofia Nelson said 44 acres of the Bluffview PUD will be zoned for a maximum of 105 single-family units, with 14 of those acres dedicated to open space. The remaining 23 acres will be for multifamily housing, with a maximum of 225 units.
The entrance will start on Leander Road, with the main roadway leading down to park space and connecting to the San Gabriel River Trail.
“That is one of the benefits that you were able to include as part of the public improvement district and as part of this PUD as well,” Nelson said. “Additional areas are private open space within the multifamily area and this bluffview natural area, which is a beautiful overlook to what will be the San Gabriel Trail ... .”
Terms to know:
A planned unit development is a zoning district with negotiated land uses and development standards approved by a city council for a specific piece of property. PUDs, typically used for communities of single-family as well multifamily homes, provide developers flexibility outside of the usual zoning standards. However, they also require the quality of developments be equal or better than what is outlined in standard zoning ordinances.
A public improvement district, or PID, allows a group of property owners to fund infrastructure improvements to the area, such as sidewalks, landscaping, parks and recreation, by levying the city to collect these funds as part of their property taxes.
Meeting highlights:
Prior to the council’s approval, Kevin Pitts, District 5 City Council member, asked whether the developers would oppose entering into a deed restriction limiting or preventing the sale of property to a public finance corporation.
“We’ve got a history of working with the city. ... So if that's something that's going to be problematic for the city of Georgetown, certainly,” said Chris Whitworth, representing Cordova Real Estate Ventures.