The agreement for Georgetown’s medical director has been updated to compete with the market rate, according to the city of Georgetown.

The former agreement called for Dr. Ryan Ramsey to make $7,000 per month as a flat rate for a minimum of 70 hours each month. The new agreement, passed by the Georgetown City Council, will change the stipend to $12,950 per month and require the minimum of 70 hours every month.

The hospital at which Ramsey is employed will pay for his benefits.

Duties of the medical director, an independent contractor for the city of Georgetown include:

  • Development and maintenance of the standard of care practices
  • Medical quality assurance
  • Authorizing and approving protocols
  • Continuing education
  • Overall performance and evaluation of the city’s fire department EMS program
  • Duties as outlined in Texas Administrative Code, Title 22, Part IX, Chapter 197
  • Other duties as assigned by the fire chief

The contract term is one year and may be terminated by either party, without cause, on a 30-day written notice to the other party. The increase passed in the April 14 Georgetown City Council meeting, 6-0.