Churchill Farms
A family-friendly neighborhood accessible to SH 130 and I-35, Churchill Farms has more than 1,170 residents. The neighborhood is located on the east side of Georgetown off University Avenue and Inner Loop.
About 75 percent of the homes in Churchill Farms are owned rather then rented by their residents. The average age of homeowners residing in the neighborhood is about 42 years old.
Build-out year: mid-1990s
Builders include: B.A. Homes Inc., Brighton Homes, Bill Palmer Homes
Square footage: 1,700-3,500
Home values: $219,000-$300,000
HOA dues: $360-$380 per year
Amenities: barbecue area, community swimming pool, playground
Schools: Mitchell Elementary School, Wagner Middle School, East View High School
Property taxes (in dollars):
City of Georgetown 0.42400
Williamson County 0.43653
Williamson County FM/RD 0.04000 Georgetown ISD 1.40900
Total (per $100 valuation) 2.30953