Four Georgetown ISD schools received an F grade in the first official release of The Texas Education Agency A-F accountability rating system. Overall, GISD received a B grade in the 2019 rating, according to TEA. The 83 out of 100 district score shows slight increase compared to last year’s B score of 80 out of 100. In the three domains the TEA uses to measure a district, GISD received a B for student achievement, a B for school progress and a C for closing The gap. None of GISD's schools earned an A grade in 2019, according to the rating system. Six individual schools in the district received a grade of D or F. Schools receiving a D included Carver Elementary and Forbes Middle, while Frost Elementary, Wagner Middle, Tippit Middle and Cooper Elementary received an F grade. In 2018—under the previous grading scale, which labeled schools as either meeting standards or needing improvement—three GISD schools were labeled Improvement Required. Those schools were Forbes Middle, Wagner Middle and Mitchell Elementary. A total of 13 schools in GISD were rated as Met Standard in the 2018 TEA report. For more details on each school 2019 rating, click on the school name: