The city of Georgetown will reinstate downtown parking enforcement June 15 after nearly two months of suspending the program, according to a news release.

Parking enforcement had been suspended at the direction of Police Chief Wayne Nero because of limited parking demand due to Williamson County's Stay Home Stay Safe order.

"As businesses have continued to reopen, parking has once again become a premium on the Square," the release said. "This week, parking ambassadors began counting vehicles parked in excess of the allotted 3-hour time limit."

According to the city’s downtown parking ordinance, on-street parking is limited to three hours in certain areas between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. First violations will receive a written warning. Each subsequent violation for the same vehicle within the calendar year will receive the following fines:

  • $20 for second violation

  • $50 for third violation

  • $100 for fourth or more violations

Based on the governor’s order issued June 3, the city is opening additional facilities or increasing capacity limits on facilities. Those attending facilities or events should continue to observe 6-foot physical distancing and consider wearing a mask or face covering to reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19, the release said.

Lobbies opening beginning June 15 during business hours:

  • animal services, 110 W.L. Walden Drive

  • parks and recreation administration, 1101 N. College St.

  • planning department, 406 W. Eighth St.

Parks and recreation June 15 openings and increases to capacity limits:

  • recreation center (now open at 50% capacity)

  • tennis center (50% capacity)

  • outdoor and recreation center pools, except for River Ridge pool (25% capacity)

  • community center (50% capacity)

  • Garey House (50% capacity)

  • day camps (Camp Goodwater) at recreation center (50 campers only)

  • outdoor athletic field rentals

Remaining closed/canceled:

  • Garey Play Ranch and Splash Pad

  • other splash pads

  • creative playscape in San Gabriel Park

  • other summer camps such as tennis, adventure, volleyball, soccer, Junior Fire and Police academies, Kid City, adaptive, enrichment camps

According to the release, the city is still evaluating its outdoor summer events schedule.