Rachel Hancock, the owner of photography and videography business Something Social, decided to use her own abilities to help Georgetown businesses struggling due to coronavirus-related closures.

Hancock is selling prints featuring individual Georgetown buildings for $10 each, and 100% of proceeds go to the business featured on the print purchased. For example, if one purchases a print featuring The Williamson Museum, then that money will go to the Williamson museum, so patrons have the ability to select what local business or businesses they want to support.

Community Impact Newspaper asked Hancock more about her new project:

What gave you the idea to start this project?

Our local business owners are strong, resilient, creative and smart. But they need community support in order to survive. I felt a strong urge to do something. Unfortunately, I can't say I had a big 'Ah-ha' moment of inspiration. The idea simply popped into my head as I was practicing architecture from a new book I had recently purchased.

When did you officially start selling the prints?

The first prints were sold on March 19.

What has the response from the business owners and the community been?

Business owners are incredibly grateful. One business owner told me, 'This is a gift of hope in uncertain times.' The community has been extremely supportive. Aside from purchasing prints, the community has been sharing my content on social media platforms to help spread the word.

About how many have you sold so far?

On the morning of March 25, I have had 29 orders. That's a total of 83 prints.

Do you plan to add more businesses?

Yes. On average, I add about two to three buildings each evening.

Are you open to suggestions?

Yes! The downtown district is at the top of my list. Once that list is complete, I am open to discuss other locations.

How long do you plan to continue selling these prints?

The shop will always be accessible, although I can't promise $10 per print forever. If you want to take advantage of a perfectly priced print, now is the time.

Is there anything else you would like readers to know?

Once the fundraiser is over, I will give the proceeds to each business owner, as well as the original painting. Stay tuned for those pictures!