The city of Georgetown is looking at staff reorganizations as it begins to finalize its fiscal year 2019-20 budget. City Manager David Morgan presented the budget’s current standings and its focus for the next year during a July 17 City Council special meeting. During the presentation, Morgan highlighted several staff reorganizational needs that are planned to be addressed during the next budget cycle. With the retirement of Jim Briggs, the city’s utilities manager, the city will create two positions—a general manager of electric and a director of water utilities. “Given the size of these utilities, we think that is very prudent,” Morgan said. Morgan also recommended the creation of a director of community services position that would oversee animals services, code enforcement and emergency management, which are currently managed by the city’s police and fire departments. In doing so, those entities can better focus on their primary role of safety and security, Morgan said. Other reorganizations include staff in utilities and finance departments to where they are better suited. Morgan said the reorganizations intend to enhance services, focus on performance management and maintain financial feasibility. All talks were preliminary. Tax rolls, which inform cities of how much money they can expect from taxes, are not finalized until July 25. Morgan said he will present a final recommended budget to the council Aug. 6, followed by any changes and a vote from City Council. FY 2019-20 begins Oct. 1.