Emmy Award-winning travel show “The Daytripper,” hosted by Chet Garner, will host a downtown Georgetown street party from 7-9 p.m. June 7 on South Main Street to celebrate the show's 100th episode. The free event will include live music, raffles and a meet-and-greet with Garner, who has served as the show’s host through its nine seasons. The 100th episode screening will begin about 8:30 p.m., after the sun goes down. Seating will be first come, first served, and attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets.
In “The Daytripper,” Garner has given audiences a look at life, art, culture and food in locales and landmarks across the Lone Star State. The show has featured several cities and towns in Central Texas, including Georgetown, which made an appearance during the show’s fourth season. Garner is a Georgetown resident. “The Daytripper” airs on PBS stations, including on KLRU in the Austin area.