Georgetown ISDs Deputy Superintendent Brenda Albright has announced her retirement effective in December.

Albright, who joined the district in 2009, delayed her retirement to help Superintendent Fred Brents transition and will return on a part-time basis to manage GISDs federal program.

Georgetown ISD is a phenomenal district and it has been my privilege to serve the students, parents, and community, Albright said in a statement. I think Dr. Brent is extremely visionary and I am excited to continue on his team as he takes this district to the next level.

During Albrights six years with the district she helped GISD through a number of challenges including a tax ratification election and budget reductions.

In 2010, Albright transitioned from assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction for GISD and became the deputy superintendent.

Brent said he appreciates Albright's leadership and believes she will continue to effectively lead the federal programs department.

After the announcement Albright said she looks forward to retirement because she will have more time to travel while still being part of the GISD team.