With a 6-1 vote City Council approved a request from Williamson Burnet County Opportunities at its June 10 meeting for $40,000 to help renovate the kitchen at the Mary Bailey Head Start Center, which is owned by the city. Councilman Keith Brainard voted against the request.

The money will cover about half the cost of the project. WBCO will pay for the remaining costs.

The renovations will help resolve issues that arose during a Williamson County and Cities Health District inspection of the center, Georgetown Chief Financial Officer Micki Rundell said.

The center, located at 601 N. College St., serves meals to about 80 children; however, the renovation will allow the center to serve up to 200 children per day, said Laura Adamson, WBCO grants and development administrator.

Head Start offers comprehensive child development programs.

The funding will be included in the citys proposed 201415 budget.