Red Oaks in Cedar Park is located off Cypress Creek Road and Little Elm Trail. The neighborhood is close to shopping and access to US 183. The Red Oaks community has 455 homes.
The Cedar Park neighborhood features a pool, clubhouse, park, hike-and-bike trails, a picnic pavilion and a basketball court.
Neighborhood data
The Cedar Park neighborhood features a pool, clubhouse, park, hike-and-bike trails, a picnic pavilion and a basketball court.
Neighborhood data
- Average home value: $630,000
- Number of homes on the market: 1*
- Number of homes under contract: 1*
- Median annual property taxes: $15,434**
- Median price per square foot: $221
- Average days on market: 9 *
- Build-out year: 2012
- Builders include: Village Builders/Lennar Homes, Newmark Homes and David Weekley Homes
- Square footage: 1,900-5,000 square feet
- Home values: $525,000-$975,000
- HOA Dues: $175 quarterly
- Schools (and district): Leander ISD - Reed Elementary School, Henry Middle School and Vista Ridge High School
*as of Sept. 13
**does not include exemptions
Property taxes (in dollars)
**does not include exemptions
Property taxes (in dollars)
- City of Cedar Park: $0.44698
- Williamson County: $0.41872
- Austin Community College: $0.1058
- Wilco Farm/Road: $0.04
- Leander ISD: $1.4184
- Upper Brushy Creek WCID: $0.02
- TOTAL: $2.4499 per $100 valuation