Cedar Park’s and Leander’s annual events bring together locals as well as those from other Central Texas cities and even other states.

Both cities will host events for the Fourth of July and December holidays.

Notable events in Cedar Park include its Veterans Day Ceremony, and Leander will host its Old Town Street Festival and Juneteenth Jubilee in June.

Plan ahead by marking your calendar for this year’s celebrations.

Cedar Park



March 4: Kaleidospoke

April 15: Mini-Con

July 4: July 4 Celebration

October 28:Cedar Park Public Library Foundation’s Fable Fest

November 11: Veterans Ceremony

December 1: Tree Lighting & Santa’s Wonderland

Dec. 4-8: Elves at Work Virtual Holiday Crafts




March 24: Mason Heritage Days - Adult Night at Mason Homestead

March 25:Mason Heritage Days at Mason Homestead

May 6: Kite Festival at Devine Lake Park

June 3: Old Town Street Festival

June 17: Juneteenth Jubilee

July 3: Liberty Fest at Lakewood Park

October 6-7: Bluegrass Festival at Mason Homestead

November 18: Harvest Festival at Lakewood Park

December 2: Old Town Christmas Festival at Old Town Park