Early voting for the 2024 primary election begins Feb. 20, and Bastrop voters will find a number of state and county races on the ballot this year.

Read the following stories to hear from candidates in the county’s three contested elections. Voters can also find CI’s coverage on the 38 candidates running for statewide offices here. For voting locations and sample ballots, see bastropvotes.org.

1. Q&A: Meet the Republican candidates running for Bastrop County Commissioner Precinct 1

Texas will hold Republican and Democratic primaries March 5 to determine who will be on the ballot in November.

Community Impact reached out to the three 2024 Republican candidates for the Bastrop Precinct 1 Commissioner. The incumbent, Mel Hamner, is not running for re-election.

2. Q&A: Meet the 2024 primary candidates for Bastrop County sheriff

Two Republican candidates are in the running for Bastrop County sheriff.

Candidates Jeff Gogolewski and incumbent Maurice Cook can be found on the 2024 primary ballot.

3. Q&A: Meet the Bastrop justice of the peace Precinct 2 candidates in the March primary election

Five candidates are in the running for Bastrop’s Precinct 2 justice of the peace 2024 Republican primary election. In Texas counties, justices of the peace issue search and arrest warrants. The Justice of the Peace Court also acts as a small claims court.