Speed limit along portion of SH 304 to be reduced due to safety concerns
Those driving along a portion of SH 304 will soon notice a new speed limit, after Bastrop City Council approved lowering it at a meeting June 11.
Two-minute impact
Following a Texas Department of Transportation traffic study, which indicated potential safety concerns related to increased traffic accidents, Bastrop Senior Planner Kennedy Higgins requested council members approve the reduction from 60 mph to 50 mph.
“Although the reduced speed limit was approved, it will still take some time to get the new signs,” Bastrop Mayor Lyle Nelson said. “If all goes well, we hope to have them up by the end of the summer.”
Read the full story by Reporter Amanda Cutshall here.
Hwy. 21 bridge in Bastrop to remain closed during repairs
The westbound lanes of the Hwy. 21 bridge going over U.S. 290 in Bastrop County remain closed after the bridge was damaged in late April.
The gist
The bridge was damaged when it was struck by a heavy piece of equipment April 24. A crew with the Texas Department of Transportation is finalizing the design of the repairs and the bridge’s beams will have to be fabricated before construction can begin, according to a TxDOT representative.
Read the full story by Editor Grant Crawford here.