The Denton County Transportation Authority is looking to gain riders' feedback through the agency's biennial satisfaction survey.
DCTA offers transit services such as the A-Train Rail Service, Collin County Transit, bus services and more.
DCTA is looking to gain riders' perspectives on its transportation services, amenities and passenger tools. The survey will also provide information on rider demographics and travel patterns and allow DCTA to make better-informed decisions on ways to improve mobility, air quality, economic development and livability in the areas it serves, according to a DCTA news release.
The goal is to receive completed surveys from at least 20 percent of DCTA's riders, or 2,329 of an average daily passenger count of 11,644, according to the release.
The survey will be open April 8-19. Riders can take the survey online
here, in person onboard any DCTA vehicle or at The Downtown Denton Transit Center, located at 604 E. Hickory St., Denton.