The Klein ISD board of trustees adopted the second proposed draft for attendance zones for intermediate schools in the 2018-19 academic year and high schools in the 2019-20 academic year at its Monday night meeting. Doerre, Kleb, Krimmel and Ulrich intermediate schools are at or above capacity in 2018, according to the plan. The proposal would shift boundaries to take the burden off overcrowded schools and more evenly distribute them, and it will take into account the opening of a new intermediate school, Hofius Intermediate School, in the 2018-19 school year. The plan includes an option for current sixth- and seventh-graders with parent transportation to remain at their current intermediate school. The changes to high school boundaries will take place in the 2019-20 school year. Two audience members spoke in favor of the option to allow current sixth- and seventh-graders to remain at their respective intermediate schools with parent transportation. "This is the third time my family has gone through rezoning," said one of the speakers regarding the exception for sixth- and seventh-graders. "It’s incredibly aggravating, it's frustrating, it’s emotional ... I would like to say, please, whatever happens with your redistricting, keep that in mind, keep that intact." Additionally, the board approved the 2018-19 academic calendar, which includes the following highlights:
        • • School year starts Aug. 20 and ends May 30
    • Student holidays include Sept. 3, Oct. 5 and 8, Nov. 19-23 (Thanksgiving), Dec. 21-Jan. 7 (Christmas), Jan. 21, Feb. 18, March 11-15 (Spring Break), April 19 and 22, May 27 • Graduation is June 1 • Staff development days include Aug. 9-17, Oct. 5 and 8, Jan. 7, Feb. 18, April 22, May 31 • Early Release Days include Dec. 20 and May 30
      • The calendar was developed with input from a survey administered to KISD stakeholders in November and January. The academic year includes 174 instructional days; a total of 76,200 minutes, according to the district website.
      • The board also approved several construction items, including documents for the restoration of Lemm Elementary School, which flooded during Hurricane Harvey. The design includes modernization of the building floor plan.
A town hall meeting regarding the restoration of Lemm Elementary School will be held at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 15 at Klein ISD Multipurpose Center, 7500 FM 2920, Klein.