The MINT National Bank opened its doors in 2009 in the midst of the Great Recession. Despite the economic and business challenges domestically and globally, The MINT was able to hold its ground, continue operations and experience significant success and growth. In fact, the Bank was the sole new charter bank in Texas between 2009 and 2019.

Founded by its current Chairman and CEO, David Bubier, the Bank is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year with a fresh contemporary look, enhanced online technology and continued excellence in servicing its customers. The Bank achieved many milestones since its founding in 2009, namely surpassing the $400 million asset mark in 2024.

“The Bank is growing, and the goal is by 2029 to be at a billion dollars in assets. We think we can get that done. That's going to take a lot of growth in terms of adding some new marketplaces,” President and Chief Lending Officer Jeffrey Worstell said. “We're going to have to add some new lenders and deposit gatherers as well as continuing to do what we've done historically, by being a high performing bank.”

Some of the other accomplishments the bank has hit in the past 15 years include:Since The MINT National Bank is locally owned and operated, Worstell explained how there are multiple benefits to banking with a smaller bank as opposed to a large national chain.

Benefits of banking with The MINT National Bank:
  • Generous rates on deposit accounts, including certificates of deposit and money market accounts
  • Low-cost client services including No Fees for ATM usage anywhere in the world
  • Mobile banking technology, including online account opening and remote deposit capture
  • Customized and competitive lending solutions
“Being a community bank, we're more focused on how we can help a client in front of us and finding a solution rather than the black and white yes or no, that you usually get with a larger institution just partially from the sheer volume and size that they work with,” Worstell said.

To help celebrate the 15 years of banking, the Company completely revamped the front of their corporate headquarters and expanded the Kingwood office located at 1213 Kingwood Drive. The Bank plans to celebrate a grand opening sometime in the spring. Bank users can also explore the company’s newly redesigned website, and should be on the lookout for the MINT logo as they continue to broaden their marketplace.

To learn more about The MINT National Bank, visit the website or stop by one of their locations to get started.

The above story was produced by Community Impact's Senior Multi Platform Journalist Sierra Rozen with information solely provided by the local business as part of its "sponsored content" purchase through our advertising team.