Millions of Americans struggle with fatigue, obesity, gastrointestinal problems, and hair, skin, and nail issues—and the root of the problem could be a small endocrine organ located in the front of the neck: the thyroid.
Austin Regional Clinic’s general surgeon Dr. Samuel E. Long, III spent a fellowship year exclusively studying diseases of the thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands. With 20-25% of the population experiencing thyroid nodules, Long said everyone should have the tiny, butterfly-shaped organ tested for abnormalities.
“It’s small, but very important, and when it’s not working right, patients may feel it, ” Long said. “Fortunately, with the help of your doctor, medications may be prescribed to either supplement or slow down your normal thyroid function, depending on your individual condition.”
Why is the thyroid so important? Virtually every tissue in the body is affected or regulated by its hormone. Not only does it regulate the body’s metabolism, but it also plays a key role in how the brain, nerves, skin, hair, eyes, heart, and intestines function.
“It is not an uncommon day or week for me when I meet folks who have really been suffering as far as a delay in their diagnosis of an issue, because of some of the more subtle [symptoms],” Long said. “All of a sudden, they get their thyroid working again, and people just feel like it gives them their life back.”
Long said some tell-tale signs of a thyroid condition include changes in weight, quantity or quality of hair, vision and eye appearance, and gastrointestinal patterns. Though some thyroid conditions are inherited, Long said, the vast majority are acquired over one’s life.
ARC is a full-service clinic for those suffering from conditions of the thyroid. From initial diagnosis to treatment, ARC can address ailments including hyperthyroidism, Graves’ Disease, toxic nodular goiter and thyroiditis, as well as thyroid disease, cancer, nodules, and tumors.
“It’s really nice for patients to have a type of doctor who can take them through the process from start to finish without having to travel to multiple locations and/or see several specialists. At ARC, we can not only manage folks medically, but also perform biopsies and/or discuss surgical intervention, when indicated, the same day as your initial clinic visit,” Long said.
Aside from hormonal symptoms, thyroid issues are sometimes identified by a lump in the neck. Because some nodules can be malignant, all of them require attention. General surgeons at Austin Regional Clinic will walk you through each step of the process to ensure your thyroid stays healthy and functioning properly.
Long said the best preventive measure is staying healthy and eating a balanced diet although some thyroid issues are simply unavoidable. Pregnant women and older adults are at higher risk and tested regularly, Long said “but many patients will need to be on thyroid hormones at some point in their lifetime, and it is not because of something they did wrong.”
Dr. Long’s advice? Be proactive. If you are experiencing thyroid issues, talk to your primary care provider who can refer you to a specialist like Dr. Long. Visit for more information.
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