During a workshop April 12, Schertz City Council discussed the condition of Old Wiederstein Road and the next steps for the project.

Assistant Director of Public Works Scott McClelland gave a presentation to council explaining the work that needs to be done on the road.

“I think everybody is familiar with the conditions we have on Old Wiederstein Road,” McClelland said. “There are a lot of edge failures and pretty major rutting. It has risen to a level that I feel like we need to address it now instead of waiting for future years.”

The project discussed would be on the stretch of Old Wiederstein from Cibolo Valley Drive to Dean Road.

The initial work will include isolated repairs and a thin asphalt overlay performed by the Schertz Public Works Department.

According to McClelland, the project is estimated to begin April 18 and run through May 13.

The estimated cost of the project is $62,000, which comes from budgeted funds from the Aero Avenue Sidewalk Project. As a result of this project, the Aero Avenue Sidewalk Project will be deferred to FY 2022-23. During the repair, the section of road will be closed with detours in place.

The repair is estimated to have a seven year lifetime, giving the city time to pull together funds for a road widening project in the future.