The gist
City Council authorized the city manager to enter into a contract with Westhill Paving, Inc. in the amount of $305,839 for improvements to the parking lot at Red Horse Park.
This will be the fourth phase of the project, with the first three phases focusing on the disc golf parking lot, Red Horse parking lot and the drive line. The fourth phase will focus on the south alleyway at Red Horse Park, allowing for additional parking near the playground areas along the alley, according to agenda documents.
What else?
The project is funded through the fiscal year 2024-25 budget, which had $380,000 allocated for park improvements.
Public Works Director Randy Luensmann told City Council that Westhill Paving, Inc. was the second lowest bidder for the project because the lowest bidder did not complete the forms in the bid package.
One more thing
A timeline for the project has not been established as of the meeting.