The details
Bexar County Budget & Finance Director Tanya Gaitan presented the proposed changes, which would increase the appropriations for FY 2024-25 general fund by about $5.59 million, bringing the total fund balance to nearly $239.39 million.
The changes included additional funding for supplies and materials for Bexar County Central Magistrate Division; additional deputy constables per precinct; salary adjustments for 53 prosecutor positions; funding for 41 new sheriff deputies; Bexar County Military and Veterans Services outreach programs; and overtime for 26 forensic scientists to assist with backlogged cases. The funding also included the replacement of The Office of Criminal Justice Policy, Planning and Programs DNA Server Index.
Bexar County Precinct 3 Commissioner Grant Moody suggested adding an additional constable per precinct.
However, county officials said this would drastically increase the budget.
Adding these additional positions, with equipment and a police cruiser, would increase the constable’s budget by $650,000, county officials said.
Bexar County Judge Peter Sakai said he hoped the vote would demonstrate the court’s commitment to public safety.
The vote to approve the changes passed unanimously.
Looking ahead
The FY 2024-25 budget will take effect Oct. 1.