Cibolo residents are invited to give feedback on the draft of the 2024 Cibolo Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan.

What you need to know

The comprehensive plan will have an outlook of around 20 years, focusing on short-term, midterm, and long-term goals, strategies and actions, according to the city's website.

The plan is not legally binding and is meant to serve as a guideline for city staff and officials. Within the plan, topics include:
  • A future land use map
  • A master thoroughfare plan
  • Housing and neighborhood information
  • Plans for public services and community facilities
  • Plan implementation
The draft can be found on the city's website, where city staff have also listed podcast episodes residents can listen to for additional information and explanation on different chapters within the plan.

What else?

Residents can provide comments on the plan until 5 p.m. July 10. On July 10, the planning and zoning commission will review the plan and provide a recommendation to Cibolo City Council.

City Council will consider the plan for adoption on Aug. 13. Additional information about the comprehensive plan and upcoming city meetings can be found here.