Cibolo students will have an opportunity to voice their recommendations to city staff and City Council.

During the June 11 meeting, Cibolo City Council approved a resolution to establish the Cibolo Youth Advisory Council.

What residents need to know

According to the bylaws approved with the resolution, the CYAC will consist of no fewer than eight total members, including at least six regular youth members and no more than two alternate youth members.

The council will also have advisors made up of at least one city employer and an individual other than a city official, officer or employee.

Students interested in joining the CYAC must:
  • Live within the city limits or the extraterritorial jurisdiction
  • Be enrolled in grades 7-12
  • Be under age 18
Applications will be conducted in an open application process, and members of the CYAC will be appointed by City Council.

What’s next?

With the approval of the resolution, updates to the application process will be posted on the city website, city staff said.