For CAS, the spring months are among the most challenging due to kittens and wildlife coming in more frequently, Animal Services Manager Janette Wilson said in an email.
“We are often, if not always, over capacity and rely on fosters to help alleviate space and give the pets a mental break from the shelter environment,” Wilson said in an email.
Current situation
In April, CAS had an intake of 88 animals, including 43 stray cats and 37 stray dogs, according to an animal services report on the May 14 City Council agenda. The remaining eight animals were either wildlife or surrendered by owners.
During the month, 55 outcomes were reported, including 19 returns to owners, 17 adoptions, eight dead in shelter or upon arrival, six transferred out and five to wildlife rescue.
Intake data for prior moths shows:
- March: 46 intakes, 45 outcomes
- February: 71 intakes, 73 outcomes
- January: 43 intakes, 46 outcomes
One of the main challenges the facility faces is many residents and surrounding communities not knowing where the facility is located or how to get involved.
The facility is located at 108 Cibolo Drive, Bldg. No. 3, Cibolo, which is near the Cibolo Public Works Department located off FM 1103.
Cibolo residents can assist the facility by volunteering to socialize with the pets and helping them become more adoptable. Volunteer information can be found here.
For those who wish to donate, an Amazon wish list was created to detail needs for the facility. The wish list can be found here.
Learn more
Alongside donation and volunteering efforts, Cibolo staff is working on a bond proposition for the November election, which would fund the construction of a new animal services facility and a new public safety facility.
Leading up to the election, staff has created a website detailing the needs of the existing facility and the design of the proposed facility.
Additional information on CAS, including a list of adoptable pets, can be found here.