Since February 2023, Cibolo staff and committees have worked on the comprehensive plan, which will help guide city development and planning over the next 20 years.

The details

On March 5, city staff hosted an open house inviting residents to learn more about the updated plan and how the updates compare to the plan from 2016.

Chapters within the plan include:
  • Plan introduction, demographics and vision
  • Land use and character
  • Transportation
  • Housing and neighborhoods
  • Parks, recreation and open space
  • Community facilities and public services
  • Economic development
  • Implementation
Over the next few months, city staff will work on the implementation process for the plan, which includes having various committees and City Council approve the plan.

On March 16, City Council will host a strategic management workshop with discussions on how long-term plans connect with council’s goals. The full agenda for the workshop can be found here.

This meeting will be open to the public beginning at 9 a.m. The meeting will be held at City Hall, located at 200 S. Main St., Cibolo.

Learn more

To help inform residents about long-term planning and other projects, city staff launched a website detailing each project and upcoming community events related to the project.