Each year, the city of Universal City hosts Snowfest, a carnival offering family-friendly activities and an opportunity for local vendors to sell products.

As the event approaches Feb. 15, city staff is in search of potential vendors and volunteers to help prepare for the event.

The details

For those who are interested in volunteering, two shifts will be available from noon-4:30 p.m. and from 4-8:30 p.m.

Volunteers will be required to participate in an information meeting held on Feb. 5 beginning at 6 p.m.

Additional volunteer information can be found here.

Vendor applications are open for food booths, food trucks and non-food vendors selling merchandise. The price of booths range from $50-$100, according to the city's website.

What else?

Tickets for the event can be purchased in advance from the city of Universal City.

The city is the only way to purchase tickets online, with ticket purchases available here.