Republic Services

Republic Services will be conducting Christmas Tree disposal alongside regular trash services. Selma customers will have pickup on Jan. 13 and Jan. 20, and Cibolo customers will have pick-up on Jan. 10 and Jan. 17.

Schertz customers will have times during the second and third weeks of January. Monday and Thursday customers will have their trees picked up on Thursday; Tuesday and Friday customers will have their trees picked up on Friday; and customers with once-per-week service will have their trees picked up on their regular service day.

All trees over 7 feet tall must be cut in half in order to be picked up.

Live Oak

Live Oak residents can dump their Christmas Trees at the park across from the city pool, located at 7900 Shin Oak Drive. The city will be mulching the trees over the next several weeks and providing free mulch to those that would like it.

This dump is for Christmas Trees only and the city requests that no other brush or trash be dumped there.

Universal City

Universal City residents can place their trees on their curbs during a designated trash pickup time.

Garbage customers whose pickup is on Wednesday and Saturday can leave their trees for pickup on Jan. 5. Customers who have pickup on Monday and Thursday can have their trees picked up on Jan. 6. Disposal of live trees after the designated pickup day are responsible for their trees.

Garden Ridge

Bulk dumpsters will be available in January for the last four weekends of the month. Dumpsters will open beginning Jan. 8 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. These dumpsters are for any trash excluding hazard materials and food waste. Dumpsters are located at the end of Municipal Parkway. For questions, call 210-651-6632.