On the Nov. 5 ballot, the city of Cibolo will have four City Council seats up for election.

This election cycle will begin the transition of City Council from seven single-member districts to four single-member districts and three at-large seats.

District 6 is one of the newly created at-large seats, meaning any Cibolo voter can select a city council member.

Four candidates have applied for the position. Learn more about each candidate ahead of the Nov. 5 election.

Residents have until Oct. 7 to register to vote, and early voting starts Oct. 21. Voter registration can be checked at www.votetexas.gov.

Candidates were asked to answer the questions provided in 50 words or fewer and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Charles Ruppert

Experience: Former mayor of Cibolo, having served two terms

Occupation: Retired

Contact Information: 210-566-0854

Why are you running for City Council?

I am running for Cibolo city council to represent the citizens of Cibolo and serve their best interests.

What are the biggest challenges Cibolo is facing?

Annual budgets are growing faster than inflation. In August, council adopted a budget requiring a property tax rate of $0.4990 per $100 valuation, effectively raising it by 11.16%. On the November ballot, voters have the final say. Voting against the measure reduces the tax rate increase to $0.4769.

How do you plan on addressing those challenges?

Better budgeting and fiscal discipline. The new budget includes over $500,000 for economic development incentives. Why should residents pay more to give tax breaks to businesses? Sadly, I anticipate the city will scare voters by threatening cuts to public safety instead if voters don't approve the higher tax rate.

What would be your top priorities if elected?

All city basic services - police, fire, EMS, utilities, street maintenance, stormwater drainage, municipal court, permits, and parks. No more corporate welfare (tax abatements and other economic incentives awarded to corporations) unless residents also receive a property tax break when adopting the city's annual budget and tax rate.

Dick Hetzel

Experience: AF colonel (ret); numerous city committees; Cibolo 2012 Community Service Award; three council terms

Occupation: Semi-retired Sr. IT auditor

Contact Information: 210-313-9898

Why are you running for City Council?

I have been a member of the community since 1987 and feel that I can provide support for the community.

What are the biggest challenges Cibolo is facing?

Large regional growth. In 1990, we were almost 1,500 population, yet in 2024, we expanded to over 38,000 and are projected to reach over 68,000 by 2050. Our proximity to San Antonio with its expansion between IH-35 and IH-10 is a large driver, along with overall growth ...

How do you plan on addressing those challenges?

Currently the city is building a 2024 Comprehensive Plan and implementing a Future Land Use Map, Future Thoroughfare Plan [and] Capital Improvement Plan along [with] support by the citizen Master Plan Advisory Committee. These programs are supported by numerous citizens, their inputs and staff. The intent is to support the citizens and …

What would be your top priorities if elected?

San Antonio fire fighters have been approved for a 20% salary increase over the next three years. Cibolo first responders and staff have not been matched salary wise. This may result in insufficient personnel supporting Cibolo neighborhoods and schools. Additional commerce is required to support citizens and facilitate improvement …

Malcolm MacLauchlan

Experience: Cibolo resident 30 years; master plan committee; board of adjustments; small business owner

Occupation: Landscape/tree trimming company, owner

Contact Information: 210-286-6367

Why are you running for City Council?

I am running to help our city improve infrastructure, bring in sales tax revenue from commercial businesses. Smart future growth; transparency between city and citizens; running our city on a balanced budget.

What are the biggest challenges Cibolo is facing?

Lack of tax dollars to operate our city. Infrastructure, our roads/streets need to catch up to our growth.

How do you plan on addressing those challenges?

Work with city staff on CIP projects. Work with TXDoT for the main road to Cibolo, 1103.

What would be your top priorities if elected?

Roads; businesses tax revenue; smart growth; transparency with city staff.

Donetta Roberts

Experience: Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

Occupation: Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

Why are you running for City Council?

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

What are the biggest challenges Cibolo is facing?

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

How do you plan on addressing those challenges?

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

What would be your top priorities if elected?

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.