Schertz City Council on Nov. 9 approved an adjustment to the fiscal year 2021-22 budget. This adjustment was to provide additional funding for the Tri County Parkway Project construction phase.
Executive Director of Economic Development Adrian Perez said the project includes reconstruction of Tri County Parkway and an upsizing of the sanitary sewer mains from Doerr Lane along Lookout Road and Tri County Parkway to FM 3009.
“This is a resurfacing of Tri County from Corridor Parkway over to [FM] 3009, so essentially the same existing road, just a resurfacing of the road that is in pretty dire condition,” Perez said.
The Schertz Economic Development Corp. and City Council previously approved an allocation of $4.05 million for the project, which was funded through SEDC reserves.
City Council approved an additional $1.24 million, bringing the total project cost to $5.29 million. The additional funds are also provided through the SEDC reserves.