Chick-fil-A, Inc. is in the process of purchasing property in Universal City for the construction of a new restaurant location.

The overview

Universal City City Council approved a resolution Oct. 15 authorizing the sale of the property, located off Kitty Hawk Road near the entrance to Walmart.

City Manager Kim Turner said the permit for the restaurant is likely to be issued within the next 60 days.

Moving forward

Leading up to the construction of the restaurant and the upcoming Reunion Project, the city is working to build a roundabout near the construction area.

“Part of the work is for curb cuts and to have driveways for Chick-fil-A,” Turner said. “They want the city to have our portion of the project done by June of 2025.”

The sale of the property is among the first steps in the construction of the Chick-fil-A, and a timeline for the completion of the restaurant has not been established as of publication time.