Upcoming projects
Evans Road Drainage Phase 1
Project: Part of the City of San Antonio’s 2022-2027 bond program, work includes rebuilding the street, widening sidewalks and improving drainage on Evans Road from East Elm Creek to Masonwood Drive.
Update: According to the city documents, the project’s design phase is 70% complete.
- Timeline: summer 2025-summer 2027
- Cost: $8.45 million
- Funding source: 2022-2027 bond program
Babcock Road project
Project: Part of the City of San Antonio’s 2022-27 bond program, the project includes widening the roadway to four lanes with a center lane, adding sidewalks, curbs and driveway approaches, drainage improvements and amid-block pedestrian crossing.
Update: Currently in the design phase, the bond program project will transform Babcock Road from West Hausman Road to UTSA Boulevard.
- Timeline: fall 2025-winter 2027
- Cost: $10 million
- Funding source: 2022-2027 bond program
Ongoing projects
FM 1518 expansion
Project: TxDOT is widening the existing roadway of FM 1518 between FM 78 and I-10 E. to include two 11-foot lanes in each direction, separated by a 34-foot raised center median in a four-phase project. Additionally, the project will include a 10-foot-wide shared-use path along the east side of the road and a 6-foot-wide sidewalk on the westside of the roadway.
Update: According to the TxDOT project website, the first phase of the project, which focuses on water and sewer lines beneath the roadway, began in 2024. Construction is estimated to be completed in 2028.
- Timeline: 2024-28
- Cost: $73 million
- Funding source: Federal and state funds
I-35 Northeast Expansion south project
Project: TxDOT is expanding approximately 20 miles of I-35 from North Walters Street to FM 1103 in Bexar County. The project includes building elevated lanes which will provide direct connections to I-410 S., I-410 N., Loop 1604 W. and Loop 1604 E.
Update: According to the TxDOT website, the initial phase of construction involves the construction of elevated lanes between I-410 N. and FM 3009 and direct connectors with I-410 N. and Loop 1604 W. Phase 1 of the project began in spring 2021 and was completed in fall 2024.
- Timeline: 2021-2028
- Cost: $700 million
- Funding source: Federal and state funds
Old Fredericksburg Road Project
Project: A five-phase project from I-10 to Ralph Fair Road, which includes constructing bridge, roadway and drainage improvements and the construction of a proposed roundabout.
Update: Initial construction of Phase 1 began in January, which, according to Bexar County’s website, includes bridge and culvert construction on Old Fredericksburg Road from the I-10 access road to Woodland Green.
- Timeline: Construction began on Jan. 13 and is expected to be completed in May 2027
- Cost: $13.25 million
- Funding source: Bexar County roadway funds, San Antonio Water System and the city of Fair Oaks Ranch Water