In a separate initiative, the contractor handling the state-funded expansion of Northwest Military Highway is applying a new layer of asphalt as that project winds up.
The background
City Council on May 13 approved a change order of $115,746 to allow the city road bond contractor, D&D Contractors, to enlarge the amount of street reconstruction on parts of Honey Bee, Turkey Creek, Hunters Branch and Hunters Branch South—four cul-de-sacs west of Northwest Military.
Additionally, city officials said D&D is focused on a second phase of reconstruction on Cliffside Drive as part of the town’s $6.45 million road bond project.
Chris Otto, geographic discipline leader for Colliers Engineering and Design, the local engineering firm consulting on the town's road bond project, said remaining bond-funded work on roadways and cul-de-sacs should be substantially finished late this summer, with total completion of the project expected this fall.
Also of note
City officials also recently said, separately, the contractor improving Northwest Military, Dan Williams Co., began applying asphalt each night, starting May 19, from Huebner Road northward to Loop 1604. TxDOT representatives said the $15.5 million Northwest Military project will be completed early this summer.