Shavano Park officials are putting in final touches ahead of a citywide road improvement project that the contractor plans to begin June 5.
City Manager Bill Hill confirmed to City Council on May 22 that Marion-based company D&D Contractors are tentatively set to start street work on Wagon Trail Road on June 5, then proceed to End Gate Lane in early July, followed by Fawn Drive before the end of July.
Council awarded D&D a $6.28 million contract March 27 to oversee the reconstruction of nine roads and five cul-de-sacs funded by the voter-approved 2022 bond issue.
The final touches in road work preparations include the city hiring Terracon to provide project quality assurance management and geotechnical testing services. Council voted May 22 to authorize the city to hire Terracon at a cost of $81,440, based upon a recommendation from consulting engineering firm Colliers Engineering.
Also on May 22, council authorized the city to hire Pape-Dawson Engineering to serve as road project inspector. Hill said city staff scored Pape-Dawson the highest among four firms that submitted a bid for project inspection services.
Hill and Chris Otto with Colliers Engineering also briefed council on ongoing efforts to upgrade or replace water mains ahead of the city road project.
Additionally, CPS Energy is replacing all aging steel gas lines or upgrading some other gas lines in the project areas.
Local officials said the city will keep residents updated on the road project, which the contractor anticipates carrying out completely by June or July 2024.