Shavano Park residents are invited to a town hall and open house at 6 p.m. Jan. 18 at City Hall to get an update on plans to implement $10 million in bond-funded road and drainage fixes around town. City Hall is located at 900 Saddletree Court.

Voters passed a $10 million bond in May to support improvements to 14 streets and cul-de-sacs in neighborhoods east and west of Northwest Military Highway.

The city is also using the bond issue to leverage federal funding to upgrade drainage and add sidewalks and bicycle lanes, among other roadway improvements, to Shavano Park’s portion of DeZavala Road.

Local officials said the meeting will begin with a presentation from city staff, engineers and CPS Energy followed by a question-and-answer session.

After the town hall, an open house will continue where residents may review plans for each targeted road and ask city engineers specific questions about their own street and property.

According to local officials, Shavano Park tentatively plans to issue a request for proposals Feb. 3 and open construction bids March 10.

Plans call for the City Council to consider approving a project construction contractor March 27 with an 18-month construction project estimated to start this summer.