Contractors overseeing the expansion of Wurzbach Parkway at Northwest Military Highway and Lockhill Selma Road said they are approaching the end of another phase of work that keeps them on track toward completing the entire project at the end of this summer.

According to Jennifer Serold, the Texas Department of Transportation San Antonio District public information officer, the bulk of the project’s progress has been made near the Wurzbach-Lockhill Selma intersection.

The state-funded $8.1 million project, which began October, was designed to add dual left-turn lanes on all approaches at Wurzbach and Northwest Military, extend three right-turn lanes and add dual right-turn lanes on Wurzbach's westbound approach to Northwest Military.

Serold said construction workers recently widened the subgrade and poured hot mix pavement between immediately east of the Lockhill Selma-Wurzbach intersection and Elm Creek Road, the entrance to the Elm Creek neighborhood.

Contractors now are working on curbing, sidewalks and signals in that location along with installation of riprap, or rocky anti-erosion material, at nearby Olmos Creek.

Serold said once work crews complete these activities, they will be able to restripe and activate traffic signals at the Wurzbach-Lockhill Selma intersection and eliminate roadway barriers currently placed there.

Serold said contractors still must work on median curbing along Northwest Military on both sides of Wurzbach between the rest of July and early August, but that will take a few nights to conclude due to the traffic phasing and lane closures required to do the work.

Contractors will also soon restripe the Wurzbach-Northwest Military intersection and open more of the new lanes, such as the dual left turns, Serold said.

According to Serold, once that work is done, the entire project will be near substantially complete, but work crews will return to resurfacing everything between Elm Creek Road and immediately east of the Wurzbach-Northwest Military intersection.

“They’re still shooting for completion [at the] end of summer,” Serold said.

TxDOT is overseeing and funding a separate improvement and expansion project farther north on Northwest Military inside Shavano Park.