A San Antonio chapter of a national sorority organization awarded $3,000 on June 22 to a local organization dedicated to helping kids and teenagers who have suffered abuse or neglect.

The gist

Representatives from the San Antonio Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Delta held a June 22 event where they bestowed officials of ChildSafe with a $3,000 Kappa Delta Foundation KiDs Grant.

Local Kappa Delta representatives said the grant will support ChildSafe’s art therapy program.

The background

Kappa Delta, a Tennessee-based sorority, has 168 active collegiate chapters and more than 200 alumnae chapters nationwide. Kappa Delta organization leaders said they are committed to encouraging members to lead active, positive lives in their community.

The Kappa Delta Foundation aims to secure funds for the educational, leadership and charitable purposes of the Kappa Delta Sorority.

Local Kappa Delta alumnae chapter leaders said they support ChildSafe, Bexar County's only nonprofit that coordinates the efforts of child protection staff, law enforcement professionals, family advocates, medical experts and mental health clinicians for children and adolescents traumatized by sexual abuse, severe physical abuse, neglect or exploitation.

ChildSafe officials said their mission is to restore dignity, hope and trust to children traumatized by abuse and neglect.

Put in perspective

Kappa Delta Foundation representatives said every year they award $25,000 in KiDs grants. The ChildSafe San Antonio grant was one of five grants presented this year and the only one presented in the state of Texas.

San Antonio Kappa Delta officials said they have supported ChildSafe since 2013 and donated more than $26,000 in monetary support in the 11 years working together.

Additionally each year, the San Antonio Kappa Delta alumnae donate toys, school supplies, stuffed animals, snacks and art supplies to ChildSafe to support kids receiving trauma-informed, evidence-based services.