The San Antonio Metropolitan Health District said Dec. 9 there is an O'Connor High School connection to a tuberculosis case that the city's health department is investigating with common links between Clark and Brandeis high schools in Northside ISD.

The infected individual is off campus, in stable condition and will not return to school until no longer infectious, a news release said.

Presentations on TB have been held with faculty and staff at all three schools, Metro Health officials said, adding that letters were sent to parents from each school.

Metro Health officials said they and NISD officials are working to identify individuals who may have been potentially exposed. Letters were sent to those who were potentially exposed.

Parents or staff with clinical questions about TB should call the Metro Health TB Chest Clinic at 210-207-8823, the release said.

TB is an infection caused by bacteria that typically affects the lungs. Information from the American Pulmonary Association states it is not easy to contract an infection of tuberculosis, the release said.

Usually, a person must have close contact with the infected person for a substantial length of time to contract TB. Casual and limited contact with a person with active TB is not enough for someone to pass it on to others, according to Metro Health. TB can be treated with medication.