During its Feb. 24 meeting, Shavano Park City Council voted unanimously to move forward with applying for a Metropolitan Planning Organization grant from Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization to help fund the construction of a new trail.

What you need to know

According to city officials, the resolution was needed for the city to continue with the application process. The prospective trail would connect to Salado Creek trail and would include a trailhead near Shavano Park City Hall.

City officials said the trail may also include a parking area, benches, bike racks, a public drinking fountain, a dog drinking fountain, information kiosks and an emergency call box.

To be considered for the grant, the project must cost at least $1 million. If approved, the funds would receive a 20% match from AAMPO.

City Manager Bill Hill said some costs, such as engineering and development, cannot be included in the $1 million budget.

“Developmental costs, engineering costs associated with the project aren’t included in the $1 million and can’t be included in the 20% cost sharing. I don’t anticipate a great engineering cost, but there will be engineering costs associated with [the project] that we’ll have to absorb,” Hill said.

AAMPO Grant application timeline:
  • Project eligibility phase applications due March 1, 2025
  • Final applications due April 30, 2025
  • Executive committee recommended projects presentation in July 2025
  • TAC and Policy board action on proposed projects through August and September 2025
  • Action to approve Fiscal Year 2027-2030 Transportation Improvement Program, the mobility 2050 update and 2026 conformity determination will occur in May 2026
Looking ahead

According to city officials, if the application is approved by AAMPO, planning, development and construction will take between one to five years, with an estimated completion date between 2027-2032.