In accordance with the updated new smoking ordinance passed in October by the San Antonio City Council, the use of electric smoking devices, such as electronic cigarettes and vape pens, are now prohibited in all venues throughout the city, starting Jan. 1.

What you need to know

The revised amendment to Municipal Code, Chapter 36, includes three changes related to electronic smoking devices and one change due to updated state law.

Four changes to the ordinance:
  • Add the definition of electronic smoking devices to the municipal code
  • Include electronic smoking devices in the definition of smoking in the municipal code
  • Update requirements for establishments, requiring them to include electronic smoking devices on signs prohibiting smoking
  • Remove local language on the increase of the age of sale for tobacco products from 18 to 21 years of age due to the updated State law passed in 2019
The amendment restricts vaping in the same places where smoking is restricted and applies the same penalties.

Download updated signage:To learn more about the ordinance, visit SA Metro Health’s website.

Put in perspective

Though vaping is often considered a safer alternative to cigarettes and other tobacco products, the habit can lead to a variety of health risks.

According to Metro Health, health risks include:
  • Irritation of the respiratory system
  • Nicotine addiction
  • Lung damage
  • Heightened risk of heart disease and high blood pressure
  • Potential harm from chemicals, such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde
  • Harms adolescence brain development, affecting attention, learning and susceptibility to addiction.
For further information on the health risks and resources for quitting smoking, visit Metro Health’s tobacco and vaping page.