San Antonio city officials will offer a final open house July 28 regarding the city’s bicycle network plan.

The gist

City representatives said the open house will be the last public opportunity for community input before local officials finalize their bike network plan, which is designed to foster a more bike-friendly city, reduce traffic congestion, promote healthier lifestyles and ensure safer streets for everyone.

Although an online survey about the plan closed July 14, residents can still provide feedback through comment cards and map comments at the event.

Zooming in

City officials said attendees will have a chance to share specific problems they encounter, such as speed of traffic affecting bike lane safety, trash cans or other obstructions in bike lanes, such as issues with stray dogs on streets causing hazards for cyclists.

According to city representatives, the meeting is a chance for residents to directly influence decisions about bike infrastructure and see what is planned for the streets in front of their homes.

Additionally, city officials will seek community feedback on critical policy considerations, including whether a permanent helmet law should be implemented, whether it is appropriate to allow bikes on sidewalks and under what conditions, as well as whether there are other policies that should be introduced to enhance safety and accessibility.