The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $1 million grant to the city of San Antonio to help decrease greenhouse gas emissions and enhance air quality.

The background

Grant funding comes from the EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program, according to an Oct. 3 city news release. City officials said the grant will support three local initiatives. The grant will be used for three interrelated initiatives:

  • The city’s Office of Sustainability will update the city’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan with new science-based and -prioritized greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.
  • The Alamo Area Council of Governments will lead an effort to broaden the geographical scope of climate planning and action to include AACOG's 13-county service area.
  • The grant will prioritize emissions reduction strategies that can be implemented regionally and are competitive for future EPA implementation grant funding.

What they’re saying

Mayor Ron Nirenberg said climate action takes collaboration among all local, regional and national stakeholders.

“We applaud the EPA for providing resources to strengthen local partnerships to address this global issue,” Nirenberg said in a statement.

AACOG Executive Director Diane Rath said the federally funded project will help her agency help grow partnerships in AACOG member counties surrounding Bexar County.

“This project allows us to further develop strategies for implementing San Antonio’s climate action plan and begin working with the 12 surrounding counties on plans to reduce their greenhouse gases and address their climate challenges,” Rath said in a statement.