Hollywood Park City Council voted April 18 to slightly loosen policy for anyone who purchases a family season pass to visit the town’s Voigt Park swimming pool.

Council members agreed to alter language in the pool use pamphlet, allowing the purchaser of a family season pass to distribute the six city-provided wristbands however they see fit.

That rule, city officials said, may include guests of the family possessing a family season pass, which costs $600. Until now, the city required the buyer of a family season pass to distribute wristbands only to family members.

Council Member Glenna Pearce said some residents complained the family season pass rule was a little too restrictive for some families who wish to occasionally bring guests to the public pool.

Pearce said the council spent many hours in open discussions in 2022 to revise pool use fees and rules to help ensure revenues keep pace with maintenance costs and to curb the frequency of large numbers of pool users that tended to include out-of-town visitors.

She added that those city efforts achieved a “sweet spot,” or a middle ground of sorts, that balanced the town’s needs and the desires of people who enjoy using the Voigt Park pool.

“Restricting how we let families use season passes takes us out of that sweet spot,” she said.

Mayor Sean Moore reminded the council and audience that Voigt Park pool is a public pool because it is funded with city money, and as such, it cannot strictly deny admission to anyone, including out-of-town visitors.

Moore and other city officials said it was never the city’s intent to meticulously enforce the previous family season pass rule at the pool entry, but hoped to apply all rules to all pool users equally.

Council Member Wendy Gonzalez said she felt most pool users are responsible guests they bring to the pool.

“We’re not trying to police that [rule] for everyone who comes into the pool,” she added.

City Attorney Ryan Henry suggested the council had the time and the ability to change the family season pass regulation. The council members then decided to revise the rule.

City officials said the Voigt Park pool will be open for public use May 6-Sept. 30.